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Mirjam Knoll

AMPERIM by Mirjam Knoll

Kundenerlebnis Expertin


Über mich

Beratung - Training - Key Speaking - Moderation - Reviews

We take you on a journey to become and stay the Customer's Favorite.
Understand customer centricity as source of success and strategic comparative advantage.
Create delightful customer experiences and strive for quality and excellence.
Feel the heart pulse of hospitality and gain valuable insights from around the globe.
We take your customer to the next level of loyalty .

Net Promoter Score - Feedback Management - Customer Journey - Customer Quality Reviews - Communication

Vorteilsangebot für Vereinsmitglieder

Gerne werden im Rahmen des individuellen Angebots attraktive Konditionen für Vereinsmitglieder offeriert.

Mirjam Knoll Schließen
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